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VDI 2083 Blatt 15:2007-04 (R2014) Cleanroom technology - Personnel at the clean work place
VDI 2168:2007-04 (R2017) Lifts - Personnel qualification
VDI/VDE 2180 Blatt 3:2007-04 Safeguarding of industrial process plants by means of process control engineering - Plant engineering, realisation and operation
VDI 4251 Blatt 1 Berichtigung:2007-04 Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Planning of plant-related ambient air measurements - Plume measurement; Corrigendum concerning guideline VDI 4251 Part 1:2007-02
VDI 4003:2007-03 (R2015) Reliability management
VDI/VDE 2648 Blatt 2:2007-03 (R2015) Transducers and measuring systems for measurement of angle - Instructions for traceable calibration - Indirect measure angle measuring systems
VDI 3805 Blatt 5:2007-03 Product data exchange in the Building Services - Air openings
VDI 3786 Blatt 17:2007-02 (R2017) Environmental meteorology - Ground-based remote sensing of the wind vector - Wind profiler radar
VDI 4436:2007-02 Measurement of mass and volume flows of bulk solids
VDI 4251 Blatt 1:2007-02 Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Planning of plant-related ambient air measurements - Plume measurement
VDI 2100 Blatt 5:2007-02 (R2018) Determination of gaseous compounds in ambient air - Determination of indoor air pollutants - Gas chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Determination of volatile organic compounds, especially ozone precursors
VDI 3481 Blatt 4:2007-02 (R2018) Gaseous emission measurement - Measurement of the concentrations of total organic carbon and methane carbon using the flame ionisation detector (FID)